donderdag 23 oktober 2014

RAP 2014 kurdistan محمد سنجاري

How a Kurdish boy thinks

I asked the sender of the video what the boy said

This boy describes how the Yazidi of Sinjar flee from their home and went to the mountain with no food or water and children dying because of thirst they are now living in schools of Kurdistan and refuges

he said " 
I want to go and study so I can help them refuges and let the yazidi go to schools
I have clothes and i can protect myself from the cold but Yazid dont have clothes money to protect themself
from the harsh winter.
He also talked about Kobani (Kobane) how the men and women are fighting to protect their land 
the Peshmerga have to leaving their children because of this childeren miss and cry after them .
He said (ISIS is telling us we are muslim but they are not because islam depends on loving and helping each other, not killing .. the end :)

محمد سنجاري 2014 kurdistan: via @YouTube

RAP 2014 kurdistan-Mohammed

I hope for the childeren they get a free Kurdistan


Kurdistan you are my love you are my land i dont want you to be like the last years when you became a land of blood and Martyrs
They took Sinjar from us But we will not leave it
we will take it once again Yazidi flee from their homes to the mountain without food or or water.. their kids dying on the sands and rocks and their mother leaving them and Her heart is burning of pain

These tears that fall from her eyes Burned our hearts IS cant see the damage that they have made What is that ,, what is that

and they still saying we are Muslims they cant see the tears of mothers they cant feel the pain after all of that you say we are muslim

we just want to live in peace we want to live the life if i am a Muslim or Yazidi or christian there is no different we are all one soul
we are all deserve to live who are you to judge us

Yazidi - sinjar -song

maandag 20 oktober 2014

PKK vrijheidsstrijders en Koerdistan

Een procedure om de van de Europese terreurlijst te halen, kan de weg vrijmaken voor onderhandelingen

32 Years of Struggle: PKK’s fight to defend an “Unknown Language and People”

9 redenen waarom de slag om Kobani meer is dan een strijd tegen ISIS   


Time For U.S. To Take The PKK Off Terror List?: via @YouTube

Verenigde Staten en Europa moeten een belangrijk signaal afgeven door de PKK te verwijderen van de internationale lijst van terreurorganisaties. Het is namelijk lastig strijden als een belangrijke bondgenoot tegen ISIS moet worden genegeerd omdat deze het etiket terreurorganisatie draagt.

Sehenswerter TV-Bericht über den Kampf des Türkischen Staates gegen die #PKK.

Sie waren für die schmutzigsten Operationen gegen die kurdische PKK im Südosten der Türkei zuständig: Die Mitarbeiter des türkischen Militärgeheimdienstes JITEM. Folter und Erschiessungen sollen auf das Konto dieser Gruppe namens "Nachrichtendienst und Terrorabwehr der Gendarmerie" gehen. Die genaue Zahl ihrer Opfer ist unbekannt, es sollen Hunderte, vielleicht sogar Tausende sein. Zwei Jahrzehnte lang war JITEM aktiv und setzte im Kampf gegen die kurdische Freiheitsbewegung staatlich autorisierten Terror ein.

Bis heute leugnet der türkische Generalstab die Existenz von JITEM, obwohl immer mehr Beweise auftauchen. Mittlerweile untersuchen türkische Staatsanwälte die Hintergründe vieler so genannter ungeklärter Todesfälle. Stück für Stück graben sie den Boden im ehemaligen Kampfgebiet um und holen Menschenknochen aus alten Brunnen, Kleidungsfetzen aus Äckern, Schädelstücke aus verlassenen Raststätten. Eines der dunkelsten Kapitel in der jüngsten türkischen Geschichte wird langsam aber sicher aufgeklärt.

In seinem schwedisch Versteck hat Abdülkadir Aygan, ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von JITEM, dem Studio Istanbul seine Geschichte erzählt. Sie steht beispielhaft für die tragische und grausame Durchführung von Geheimoperationen des türksichen Staates gegen die eigene kurdische Zivilbevölkerung und den Befreiungskampf der PKK. Von dreissig Hinrichtungen, bei denen er selbst dabei war, berichtet Abdülkadir Aygan. Er sagt über die Aufgabe des Geheimdienstes: "Die Leute mitnehmen, verhören, exekutieren, die Leichen wegschaffen, irgendwie, verbrennen oder versenken. Die Operationen von JITEM endeten mit dem Tod, ausnahmslos."

ISIS-Terroristen - PKK Kämpferinnen kämpfen gegen dem Terror - Kurdistan Irak - RTL

Free Kurdistan!

 video -> Sozdar - zij die haar belofte houdt - She who keeps her promise ->Dutch undertitled 
In 2008 oordeelde het Europese Hof van Justitie dat de PKK verwijderd diende te worden van de Europese lijst omdat terreur niet kon worden aangetoond. Dat rechterlijk oordeel is sindsdien door Europese bestuurders genegeerd.

Waarom Koerden snel de staat Koerdistan moeten uitroepen

De kunstmatige, een eeuw geleden getrokken grenzen tussen de landen botsen met de etnische, culturele en geloofsverschillen tussen de bevolkingsgroepen die er leven

The New Map of the Middle East - The Atlantic 

Ocalan en de pkk

Koerdische vrijheidsbeweging is politiek gegrond op etnisch en religieus pluralisme. Het is dit geloof in een ander, democratisch en open.

Ocalan is de politieke leider van de pkk en politiek gevangene van Turkije

In 2007 bevestigde dat een onafhankelijke staat nog altijd het primaire doel is van de organisatie. In de chaos van Syrië hadden de Koerden een vorm van onafhankelijkheid bereikt, waarna ze in hun gebied een democratische en socialistische organisatie opzetten. 

Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria?
Er staat
een Nederlandse vertaling hier (pdf)

video - Nelson Mandela's Message for Kurds (1997):

 "I am a part of the Kurdish struggle"

 uses  … unwanted peace process  … 

Male and Female Fighters of Kurdistan Fighting ISIS in Kobani Documentary (English Sub)

Documentary - Good Kurds, Bad Kurds

The Kurds: A People in Search of Their Homeland

dinsdag 14 oktober 2014

Erdogan Makes Turkeys of the Arabs

Erdogan Makes Turkeys of the Arabs
Thursday June 10, 2010 01:21:21 GMT
As the dust begins settling after the Gaza flotilla affair, it has become

increasingly clear that Turkeys ruling Justice and Developmen t Party
(AKP)resorted in a premeditated way to populist demagoguery during the
episode inorder to serve narrower political goals.Populism in the Arabworld is second nature and despite its disastrous trackrecord, it never

seems to go out of fashion. Non-Arab regional players likeIran have
understood this and have cynically used populism to their advantage.And
so, when Turkeys prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declared
recentlythat Gaza "is a historical cause for us," one could be forgiven
for snickering.Since its rise to power in 2002, the AKP has steadily and
systematically soughtto marginalize its domestic opponents and secure
total control over all powercenters in Turkey. Just before the flotilla
fiasco, a poll was released showingthat the AKP had lost ground to its
rival, the Republican Peoples Party (CHP).Erdogan exaggerated when he
described Gaza as a "historical cause," but hecalculated that the
confrontation there would be a perfect instrument to whipup Islamic and
nationalist fervor to his partys benefit.Turkey is going through an
identity crisis. Erdogan has all but demolished thelegitimacy of theKemalist state. And yet the states remaining secularistframework makes it

very difficult to locate that legitimacy in Islam, thepublic and political
uses of which are constrained by the constitution. Erdoganhas had to walk
a fine line in redefining Turkish frames of reference andpolitical
identity.The AKP seeks to restore as much of a pan-Islamic framework as
possible, andforeign policy offers ways of bypassing domestic constraints.
It is perhaps inthat light that Erdogans peculiar emphasis that Turkey is
not a "nation oftribes" and not a "rootless adolescent country" should be
read. What wasoutwardly a crisis with Israel may in fact be a domestic
Turkish affair throughand through.If Turkey is in an identity crisis, the
predicament of the Arabs is no lessflagrant and fundamental. What the
flotilla episode reaffirmed was the easewith which the Arabs can be used
as instruments for the projection of power bythe regions non-Arab powers
and traditional centers of regional influence, suchas Turkey and
Iran.There was something deliciously ironic in seeing two pillars of
Arabnationalism sinking off the shores of Gaza. At the heart of the
romantic Arabnationalist narrative was the notion that the Arabs - united
by an Arabidentity - were burning with a desire to emancipate themselves
from the Turkishyoke. Palestine later became the center of this Arab tale.
The struggle againstthe Turks was featured in history books, and for years
Arab popular culturehighlighted Turkish brutality in television series and
the like. Now,effortlessly, the Turks have become champions of the Arabs
and of theirmythical "central cause."This not only has highlighted the
shallowness of the Arab nationalistnarrative, it also, at least
conceptually, has appeared to restore what forcenturies was the natural
order of politics in the region, which Arabnationalism was supposed to
alter but did not. Take Syria for example. TheSyrians are giddy at the
prospect of being drafted back into a resurgentTurkish realm. Little
wonder. Syrias historical role is to function as a bufferstate for powers
to the north, east and south.The appeal of sectarianism also puts the lie
to Arab nationalisms supposedsecularism. As Turkey seeks to paint itself
as Hamas patron, some Arab stateshave reasoned that this represents a
Sunni counterweight to Irans patronage ofthe Islamist group.But while such
transnationalism finds assets in the fractured Levant, itcreates problems
for established states, namely Egypt, bordering Gaza, wherethe recent
political developments played out. As much as Israel, Egypt findsitself a
target of this Turkish resurgence - not to mention Irans. It was
onlyfitting that we were reminded the other day by Hezbollah Secretary
GeneralHassan Nasrallah of the need for the id eas and values (such as
"the culture ofresistance") of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeinis Islamic
Revolution to be spreadthroughout the Arab and Islamic states. This also
happened to follow Nasrallahshint of an operational capacity in the Red
Sea.Just as Irans Islamic Revolution was expansionist by definition, the
AKPs"neo-Ottomanism" also posits a Turkish-dominated realm. As the
potential forIranian-Turkish competition grows and the Levant once again
assumes itshistorical function as a contested space between more powerful
nations vyingfor regional influence, the Arab states are becoming ever
more secondary, theirpopulations easily manipulated by regional populist
leaders like Erdogan.Tony Badran is a research fellow at the Foundation

wikileaks Erdogan Palestijnen Israel Arabieren Iran and oil

Tue, 8 Jun) In his recent rhetorical salvo with the State of Israel in
the aftermath of the maritime Flotilla confrontation, Turkish Prime
Minister, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has pro ved par excellence his
supremacy over Iranian and Arab leaders and their intelligence and media
linguistic experts in the venomous usage of fabricated, misleading,
camouflaged, deceptive and demagogical slogans. In his theatrical,
emotional, religious speeches and statements, he appealed to the Islamic
world, Arabs and Palestinians, and evilly resorted to all tactics and
strategies of bragging, hatred, stirring of instincts, fundamentalism and

Mr. Erdogan cunningly and with malice endeavored to portray himself and
his country as guardians for the Palestinian liberation cause and as holy
angels whom heaven has sent to work on lifting the sea blockade imposed by
Israel on the Gaza strip.

In his hysterical anti-Israel rampage he did not only viciously attack
Israel and defend the Palestinians, but he also boldly and stupidly
humiliated and insulted the Arabs when he said in one of his fiery
bragging statements: "Israel must know that Turkey is no t like other
countries, and definitely not a tribe". What he was saying loudly and
clearly is that he is not an Arab, but Turkish and Turkey is not like the
Arab countries".

What the whole world, and specially the Arabs, should know is that the
Turkish government does not actually care about the Palestinians or about
their cause, and historically Turkey never did. Erdogan and his government
are trying to sell the Arab countries and people mere rhetorical
merchandise that the Arabs sadly emotionally and religiously cherish.

This recent aggressive Turkish rhetorical maneuvers have been taking place
through a forged theatrical show of hostilities and hatred against Israel
and a deceitful support to the Palestinian cause. It is just an empty
rhetoric that the Turks are smartly abusing as a vehicle to get into the
Arab countries and have more power as a pretext to their expansion,
hegemony and covert ploys for domination.

The Turks cannot deliver an ything that they are offering, advocating for
or bragging about. Their rhetoric is void of any actual context and has no
credibility at all. Meanwhile, Iran has been playing the same game and
using the same rhetoric, but also combined with force and terrorism
through its two armed proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas.

BOTh Iran and Turkey share the same anti-Arab and anti-Israel schemes of
expansionism and a persistent quest for power and domination. They are
fighting their battles through different means and ways to gain more power
and more control in the Arab countries and have a piece of the Arab oil

BOTh countries believe that the USA is now weak and will get weaker after
withdrawing from Iraq and that its withdrawal will leave a power vacuum in
the region which both countries are working on very hard to fill. They are
using the Israeli hostility tag and the bogus support for the Palestinians
as a camouflage for their vicious schemes. Sadly, the Arabs love an d
cherish these two tags and have a weak spot for them.

In reality and actuality, both Iran and Turkey, and not Israel, have
become the actual and lethal threat to the Arab countries and their
natural resources, particularly the oil.They are the real enemies that the
Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia, and
Jordan, should focus on seriously and work united to face and deter with
no hesitation, dhimmitude or fear whatsoever.

Ironically, the moderate Arab countries are not yet openly standing
together to stop and abort the Iranian and Turkish invasion attempts.
Unless these countries unite, declare their intentions of confrontation
and take all measures required for the confrontation, Iran and Turkey will
gradually conquer their countries and resurrect both the dead Ottoman and
the Persian empires.

The whole world by now knows for a fact that the so called "Freedom Fleet"
was a mere jihadist mission and not a missi on of peace. It was fully
orchestrated jointly by Turkey and Iran in a bid to serve their anti-Arab
and anti-Israel plots and plans.


zondag 5 oktober 2014

Vertaling Groene Partij parlementsleden en het parlement Claudia Roth

Duitse Groene Partij parlementsleden en het parlement Claudia Roth, vice-president, premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan bekritiseerde.

In het Duitse ZDF 'heute journal "Roth maakt een telefoonverbinding om het programma,' het beleid van Erdogan tegen Isidor Ik heb geen twijfel dat overtuigend. Erdogan's regering van wapens vanuit Turkije naar Syrië stopte niet aankomen. Daarnaast heeft de regering-Erdogan om olie te verkopen aan Turkije in de preventie van Isidor en Isidor daarom won serieus geld. Zoals Turkije, een lid van de NAVO en een beleid moet meer betrouwbaar te zijn en het een belangrijke rol in de behoefte van Duitsland te nemen om politieke druk uit te oefenen herbergt, "zei hij.

Roth, moderator van de "Isidor ondersteunt Erdogan Do? 'Wat betreft de vraag, "Ik zeg niet dat, maar ışid'li Erdogan regering niet te kunnen worden behandeld in de Turkse ziekenhuizen. Typ bijvoorbeeld in Istanbul gehouden een kamp in het midden van Isidor. Beleid van Erdogan en de Koerden hebben ernstige twijfels van het vredesproces, "antwoordde hij.

German Green Party MPs and Parliament Claudia Roth, Vice President, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized.

In the German ZDF 'heute journal "Roth makes a phone connection to the program,' Erdogan's policy against Isidor I have no doubt that convincing. Erdogan's government of weapons from Turkey to Syria did not stop coming. In addition, the Erdogan government to sell oil to Turkey in the prevention of Isidor and Isidor therefore won some serious cash. Such as Turkey, a NATO member and a policy needs to be more reliable and it houses an important role in Germany's need to take to apply political pressure, "he said.

Roth, moderator of the "Isidor supports Erdogan Do? 'As for the question, "I'm not saying that, but ışid'li Erdogan government did not prevent their being treated in Turkish hospitals. For example, type in Istanbul held a camp in the middle of Isidor. Erdogan's policy and the Kurds have serious doubts of the peace process, "he replied.


woensdag 1 oktober 2014

Putin and ISIS #chechen

watch out for Pro Erdogan newspapers lies

So what is it a Blackwidow Chechen or Algerian/French ???

Russian authorities started an investigation in Daghestan following the attack.
Turkish police, meanwhile, are investigating Ramazova's possible links to al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Female Istanbul Suicide Bomber Identified as Russian Citizen

Black widow Turkey attack police station #Istanbul

Newspaper claiming chechen black widow

Russian citizen #DianaRamazova ??? revealed to be suicide bomber who attacked Istanbul police - CRIME via @HDNER

Zaman Turkey

Interior Minister Efkan Ala made a brief statement on Jan. 8 saying that the female bomber had been identified, but refused to comment further on the issueMedia reports late claimed that the attacker was a member of the "Black Widows" terrorist organization. The group is made up of women who lost their husbands and brothers to Russian forces in the Chechen conflict of the 1990s.The suicide bomber died after detonating herself and an autopsy revealed that she was pregnant.

According to Le Monde, Hayat , the partner of was between 4 to 5 months pregnant

Turkish secret service raided hotels in #Istanbul for Hayat Boumeddiene 2 days before Paris attacks: ...  

Could this be Hayat Boumeddiene

She traveled from Spain to Turkey 2 jan checked out hotel 5 jan attack was 6 jan
Last contact mobline phone in Syria 8 jan.

Boumeddiene was traveling with a male called Mehdi Belhoucine possible he took belongings to Syria incl Mobile.

MIT claimed they know indentity but refuse to tell who she is.

Female suicide bomber identified Russian "Black Widows," a  terrorist  

 … NOT - Omar Al Shishani, the rodent who thratened war to Russia is DEAD. via @po_st

UNA-UNSO aka The Right Sector have close links with ISIS dating back to the Chechen Wars

ISIS Is Putin’s Problem, Too, and This Chechen Is One Reason Why. 

ISIS could be Putin’s ‘chronic nightmare'

ISIS now threaten Russia over its ties to Syria's Assad 

Islamic State militants want to fight Putin

ISIS threatens to 'liberate' Chechnya and Caucasus — RT News

Chechen leader, Putin pal vows to crush ISIS after threat against Russia |

UNA-UNSO aka The Right Sector have close links with ISIS dating back to the Chechen Wars

BBC Russian Interview with Umar Shishani's #isis #chechen group father    …


Lest We Forget--Saudi's Prince Bandar hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter …

Russian President, Saudi Spy Chief Meet to Discuss Syria, Egypt

Chechen leader releases picture 'proving' Doku Umarov is dead 

The 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings - Was it Inside Job?: via @YouTube