donderdag 6 maart 2014

international pedophile network in the Netherlands Jersey Belgium Portugal

Jersey the elite tax haven- abuse, murder and mainstream coverup

In Zandvoort in the eighties small children by an international pedophile network in the Netherlands , Germany , Belgium and England , Portugal, which included notables were abused and we are familiar names of men from living together in a jachthuis.De German Porn Producer Gerrie Ulrich comes here discussed. The found in Zandvoort pictures were ' partly from Jersey's ' House of Hell' where between 1960 and 1980 crimes were committed " each beyond conception ." Babies were raped , tortured and slain in specially equipped torture chambers , forensic experts have evidence found in the basement of the home. It was here 90,000 abused and tortured children and babies that came to light in part through the Morkhoven action group . In Morkhoven action group oanamen as Joris Demmink , Ed Nijpels photographed in a pink dress , Hirsch Ballin and Donner SM club Paradise Breda run by Leo ( nne ) called Zeegers and may begin again the Royal cover-ups . It is known that Ed Nijpels ' a relationship ' maintained with the spin of the Dutch child pornography network Mr. Frits Salomonson . See : . But also :
In this trafficking , we will elaborate on below , especially regarding with above top criminals and pedophile needs Top officials in the Netherlands and beyond.

Jersey: Island of Secrets - BBC1 Panorama - March 31 2008

Jersey stinks of Zandvoort

Schandaal Vervloesem 1 : Zandvoort val

In een flat van de Zandvoortse Gerry Ulrich zijn in juni diskettes aangetroffen met duizenden afbeeldingen van kinderporno. Ulrich werd in juni dood gevonden in de Italiaanse plaats Volterra. Deze week bleken afbeeldingen met kinderporno uit zijn collectie nog steeds op Internet te staan.
Minister: meer mensen in strijd tegen kinderporno

Schokkende beelden uit Zandvoort

Gruwelijk materiaal, zeggen deskundigen over het pornomateriaal dat door een Belgische werkgroep werd ontdekt. Verkrachtingen van baby's en jongetjes. Een gedetailleerde beschrijving van gewelddadige beelden.

Jersey home was studio for evil child-porn empire (30.03.08)

Home Office gives in and grants visa to paedophile-investigator reporting on child abuse in Jersey via @BeforeItsNews

Leah McGrath Goodman Exclusive

Zandvoort spil in web kinderporno

Nu een verzameling kinderporno is gevonden in Zandvoort duikt in verschillende Europese landen dezelfde naam op: Manuel Schadwald. Maakt Zandvoort deel uit van een internationaal netwerk?

Inside Out Jersey Child Abuse.

The ring was first uncovered when a key member was found dead in Italy. According to The Irish Times, he was murdered by another member of the ring.

"His apartment in the Dutch town of Zandvoort was found to contain 'thousands of digital images stored on computer disks,' as well as 'hundreds of addresses of suspected suppliers and clients,' according to the New York Times." - Global Grey Child Abuse Rings & Satanic Ritual Abuse : Marc ...

The Zandvoort file is linked to Operation Koala, with 2 million files of child pornography (Marcel Vervloesem at the court of Appeal)

voiceforchildren: Leah McGrath Goodman Banned from UK and Jersey 

Lenny Harper on The People's Voice

Blood found in Jersey care home 'torture chamber' at the centre of child abuse investigation  via @MailOnline 


Beyond the Dutroux Affair
The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks

High-Level Pedophile Rings Abused Children in State-Run Homes, Orphanages - Portugal

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