'Prominente Haagse Syriëgangers gedood in Kobani' #AbuMohammed van filmpje met de titel Oh Oh Aleppo http://nos.nl/artikel/2014674-prominente-haagse-syriegangers-gedood-in-kobani.html … via @NOS
Nederlandse Syriëgangers Soufian Z. en Driss D. uit #DenHaag gedood bij Kobani http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/13868/Burgeroorlog-in-Syrie/article/detail/3835043/2015/01/22/Nederlandse-Syriegangers-gedood-bij-Kobani.dhtml … via @ADnl
#AbuMohammed al-Hollandi / Muhajiri Shaam over Islam & Jihad (deel 1) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjyCNhJ4xXI&feature=youtube_gdata_player … via @muhajirishaam01
Prison chief in Aleppo city had been a lanky Dutch Moroccan engineer called Abu Ubaida al-Magribi how many alias could they have?
Soufian Elfassi Abu Talha Al-Maghribi?
Hagenaar aangezien voor Britse beul Jihad John http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/32380/Aanval-op-Islamitische-
was fighting for alNusra before joining ISIS
Nederlandse jihadust for isis filmpje 15 jan 2014 Telegraaf
Soufian Elfassi Abu Talha Al-Maghribi
docu Paradijsbestormers -Ik vecht de Jihad
Belgian, Dutch jihadist link

Aleppo Raqqa where journalist were held is the place were lives see video Aleppo

Zoek de verschillen
#Dutch Engineer and #Jihadist ’Abu Obeidah el Maghreba’ lead the prison where #JamesFoley was emprisoned http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/23015243/__Bajesbaas_ISIS_NL_se_ingenieur__.html … …
De link naar #Sharia4Belgium die ook regelmatig in NL kwamen
Britse journalist Op pad met Nederlandse en Belgische jihadisten in Syrie...: http://youtu.be/foKgOGv7Iik via @YouTube
Britse rapper toch niet beul in video's van onthoofdingen - AD.nl http://s.ad.nl/3735992 via @ADnl
Who is Jihadi John? Experts say ISIS executioner is NOT London rapper http://dailym.ai/1pnW6Kc via @MailOnline
Could it be the jihadist John shown in the video next to James Foley is Dutch?
Prison Boss ISIS Dutch engineer
'Abu el Obeidah Maghreba would set the alias of the Dutch jihadist who leads the prison where the Flemish former jihadist Jejoen Bontinck and the murdered journalist James Foley were locked together.
A Dutch jihadist had a leading role in the IS-prison where the American journalist James Foley was imprisoned. That statment came from the Belgian Jihadi Jejoen Bontinck
Jejoen his father mr.Bontinck said this to EenVandaag.
The Belgian lawyer Kris Luijckx confirms the story about the Dutchman at IS.
Defense Attorney Luijckx state Jejoen Bontinck (Belgium) which the boy is on trial in a terror trial.
The role of the leading Dutchman is not clear. The man would have held a high positionheld in the ISIS prison . In the Netherlands the leader from the ISIS prison would have studied engineering
According to lawyer Luijckx and father of Jejoen mr. Dimitri Bontinck spent three months in prison IS, along with the American photographer James Foley, who last week was brutally slain by IS .
Son of mr. Bontinck is a Belgian jihadi wich departed to Syria the 17th to fight against Assad. The case received considerable attention by the search that his father incited to get his son out of Syria him
ex jihadi Jejoen Bontinck has stated that he was being put in prison because it was leaked that he wanted to return to Belgium so he was pt in a ISIS cell with the photojournalist Foley. This was in an IS-prison where the Dutch jihadist was in the lead.
Jejoen returned last summer and has to answer before the Belgian courts in September. In the process, dozens of Belgian terror suspects on trial. Belgian justice and GISS would confirm nor deny the report.
See info #Eenvandaag bron
EenVandaag :: “Nederlandse jihadist leidde gevangenis Foley” http://www.eenvandaag.nl/buitenland/53466/_nederlandse_jihadist_leidde_gevangenis_foley_
See also
Shaam al-Malaahim | Q&A | Vraag het een Syriëganger! #vraagsyrie: http://youtu.be/kUbuYrRgfsY (video)
In the video James Foley the alleged killer see picture
See also video
Fighting Journalists | Oh, Oh, Aleppo " De Spookstad".: http://youtu.be/miqGbVdj2xQ
Video James Foley
The video of a British jihadist beheading an American hostage was probably staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera, according to forensic analysis.
Footage of James Foley’s death at the hands of a man with a London accent provided a powerful propaganda tool for Islamic State —
Captives held by the Islamic State were waterboarded http://wapo.st/1tPa0KQ
GeenStijl: Yilmaz krijgt uit de pan van CBS-mevrouw - http://www.geenstijl.nl/mt/archieven/2014/10/pwnt.html
Captives held by the Islamic State were waterboarded http://wapo.st/1tPa0KQ
GeenStijl: Yilmaz krijgt uit de pan van CBS-mevrouw - http://www.geenstijl.nl/mt/archieven/2014/10/pwnt.html
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